Contact Kay Chung Health Coaching

About Kay Chung Coaching

Kay Chung founded Kay Chung Coaching out of her passion for helping people heal their bodies and enjoy their lives. Her extensive pharmacy and medical background, integrative health certification, and coaching certification give Kay unique expertise, insights, and tools to help you change your health and change your life.

Kay takes the time to understand each person’s concerns, recommend relevant tests, develop an action plan designed to resolve their issues, and help them change their health to live the desired life.

“Change your health, Change your life”

Kay’s Commitment to Each Client

  • Treat you as an individual and develop specific, customized plans to address your unique circumstances.
  • Partner with you to take charge of your health to accomplish your goals.
  • Use a holistic approach. Understand and address the physical, mental, and emotional factors that affect your health.
  • Meet you where you are and help you take incremental, achievable steps toward your goals.
  • Take the time to help you get where you want to be. Listen, encourage, educate, inspire, be compassionate, and be persistent.
Meet Health Coach Kay Chung

Kay’s Story

In my 50s, after suffering from chronic fatigue for many years, I transformed my life with a focus on nutrition and lifestyle modification. As a pharmacist for over 30 years, I am grateful for the life-saving impact of modern medicine. However, in many cases, like mine, medications treat symptoms but do not heal the disease; people stay sick or get sicker. Discovering and healing the root causes of my chronic fatigue inspired me to help others do the same. I became a certified Integrative Health Practitioner and a health coach to partner with people ready to take charge of their health to create the life they want and to contribute their gifts and talents to the world.

Every person is unique. Pharmacists, doctors, and integrative health practitioners agree that what works for one person may not work for another. My approach is rooted in this fact. I will create your action plan to address your specific needs and aspirations.

I look forward to getting to know you, your concerns, and your aspirations, and partnering with you to design a personalized roadmap to help you realize your vision of a healthier, more fulfilling life. As a health and life coach, I can help you harness the power of your thoughts to achieve vitality, balance, and fulfillment. You won’t know what’s possible until you try.

I am passionate about helping people become the healthiest and best version of themselves.

If you are interested, contact me to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation 30-minute phone consultation to discuss your goals and whether my services will meet your needs.


  • Master of Health Services Administration degree, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR
  • University of Louisiana School of Pharmacy Bachelor of Science degree, Monroe, LA
  • Certified Integrative Health Practitioner Level 2
  • Trained Life Coach

Career History

The first ten years of Kay’s career were spent in the hospital sector, directing outpatient clinics, physician recruiting, marketing, and various business development activities. She then spent over 20 years in retail/clinic pharmacy and pharmacy management. Kay left the pharmacy profession to study integrative health, health coaching, and life coaching. Coaching is essential to directing thoughts and the mind to successfully implement a wellness plan.

Are You Ready to Live a Live You Love?

Do you have health issues that are annoying or hold you back from living the life you want? Take one step today. Contact us for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation. Get a glimpse of what might be possible. There are no magic pills, but many people are surprised at how much impact a few changes can make. You matter; your life and well-being matter.

Meet Health Coach Kay Chung